Nutritional Supplements

  • We offer the convenience of providing you with pharmaceutical-grade supplements that you may order directly from our suppliers.
  • First, you must set up an account by clicking on the appropriate icon below.
  • To place an order with Thorne Research, you must supply them with our Access Code: HCP1008111
  • To place an order with Integrative Therapeutics, simply click on the link below.
  • We look forward to helping you determine your specific nutritional needs and providing the highest quality products available.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutrition and supplementation advice is an integral part of the comprehensive care that we provide to enhance healing and optimize your health. Healing and health maintenance is dependent upon appropriate nutrition. The nutrients we eat provide the building blocks necessary to repair tissues, to produce immune complexes, to regenerate cells, to maintain healthy tissue and for growth in general. While what you eat affects your health, it also unambiguously affects the course of many specific diseases.

Our approach is not to micromanage your diet, but rather to provide scientifically supported supplementation advice that supplies nutrients essential to healing specific disorders. Our bodies require collagen production to repair tissues. The quality of that tissue depends upon the quality of the collagen, which depends upon the availability of essential nutrients. Vitamin C and vitamin B6, are necessary to provide elasticity to new collagen repair fibers. Carpal tunnel syndrome and Dupuytren’s contracture are just two examples of connective tissue disorders that respond well to vitamin B6 supplementation. Joint cartilage degeneration can be halted and even reversed with supplementation of specific nutrients, and appropriate rehabilitative activity, as another example.

This “nuts and bolts,” scientifically supported approach provides the missing link necessary to overcome many illnesses, but it has to conform to specific requirements to be effective. Those requirements can be met only by supplying supplements of known quality and quantity. That is why we recommend you order supplements from our professional suppliers, because their products are “pharmaceutical grade” and are assayed for quantity, quality and purity. Health food store products do not conform to the same high standards and in many cases will not provide the same results.