1.) Click on a date below and available times will display.
2.) Click on the desired 30-minute block of time.
3.) Enter phone no., name, correct e-mail address, and reason for visit.
NOTE: New Chiropractic Patients:
Book two consecutive 30-minute blocks of time.
Fill out a new-patient registration form.
(A link to the form is included in the Appointment Confirmation e-mail you will receive immediately after booking your appointment.)
To Book a DOT/CDL Physical Examination:
Select only one 30-minute block of time.
If you have never been to this clinic, fill out the Chiropractic Patient Registration Form.
(A link to the form is included in the Appointment Confirmation e-mail you will receive immediately after booking your appointment.)
Examination Fee is $110.00 Credit Card / $100.00 Cash.
Return to this site to confirm your appointment, if you do not receive an automated confirmation e-mail. The time block you chose will no longer be visible, that means you got the appointment! No need to call.
Appointments cannot be deleted. Re-book and leave a note in the note section to cancel the original appointment, or call the office and leave a message. 541-770-1330.