What to Expect
- You may complete a new patient registration form by clicking on the glasses pictured here and it will automatically arrive at our office! ————–>
- To get started, we need your registration forms completed. We must collect your personal information, health history and current health complaint(s). Please remember to include your private insurance Subscriber Identification Number and Group Number, or your insurance carrier and claim number for auto injury claims.
- Next, your chiropractor provides an in-depth consultation, to determine appropriate treatment for your condition.
- Your health history information is recorded and then a complete chiropractic examination is performed.
- Your chiropractor will then report findings and treatment recommendations, or the need for additional tests or x-rays. X-rays are not routinely ordered, unless clinically indicated, because of a fall or other severe trauma.
- Routine treatments begin with moist hot packs, followed by a short massage, and then diversified chiropractic adjustments to release all spinal joint fixations.
- Your first visit may take up to one hour. Follow-up treatments routinely last up to 30 minutes.